Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Writing Because of A Book

So you will probably see a lot of little random posts in the begining, evolving into longer, more spaced out posts in the future. 

I got the idea for a blog from a book I am reading: "Writing through the Darkness: easing your depression with paper and pen" by Elizabeth Maynard Shaefer, Ph.D.  I have always found relief from writing and besides this blog, I also keep a journal for more personal thoughts. 

Throughout the book, there are little writing exercises that have really worked wonders for me so far. I am not saying it is a quick fix for anything, but it did give me the courage to share my thoughts and feelings with the world, which feels amazing. 

I was going to keep my writings from the excersises to my self, in the journal, but I may post a few of them to see if maybe any of you could relate.  Maybe someone will benefit in knowing they are not alone, and maybe I can benefit from sharing things that I have kept hidden from the world and myself for a long time.

A Little Bit of Me

I am not entirely sure what I am looking to get out of this blog, but, one thing is for sure, I am tired of being quiet about mental illness.  I do not understand the stigma; is it because it is a "new" thing?  Well, it is not, and I want to scream from the balcony to tell you that we are not alone and we should not be ashamed of having faulty wiring.  There is nothing we could have done to prevent that.  

Roughly three years ago, I was diagnosed with the classic text book case of bipolar disorder, or what we use to call Manic-Depressive.  I personally prefer Manic-Depressive as it is less clinical sounding and more descriptive, even though bipolar is meant to refer to different poles.  Now I say I was diagnosed about three years ago, at age 34, but I have always known something wasn't wired correctly with me.  I always marched to the beat of my own drum, among other common symptoms, but I will get into that a little later.  

I just wanted to say hi, and set this up, hopefully find a direction for it.

Have a great day!